How to Cancel Refund on TEMU (Step-by-Step Guide)

Temu has recently updated its policies regarding order cancellation and refunds. Customers can cancel these orders in a specific duration. However, they might change their mind and also need to cancel a refund after submitting a request for cancellation.

how to cancel temu refund

To cancel a refund, you can contact Temu’s customer care center and send them all the details of the order via email. They will review the details and confirm the refund cancellation within 24 hours.

If the amount has already been processed to your bank, then you will be unable to perform this task. Moreover, if the package has already been received with no defects, then Temu will not oblige you. 

Temu is expected to attract a million customers in the year 2024. They have top-selling items on their lists. With the combination of different product classes, they are aiming to lead in the global marketplace.

How To Submitt An Order Cancellation Request On Temu

To cancel any order at the Temu, you need to follow a few easy steps. This cancellation process can be performed through a mobile app. This section of the blog will be helpful if you want to cancel a refund in the future.

How To Submitt An Order Cancellation Request On Temu

  • The first phase is to log in to your time account using the mobile application. You can also log in from a website if you do not have an application. You can find the My Order section in the app.
  • Customers will find all the details of orders that they have already placed.
  • Now, select the specific order that you want to cancel and confirm the cancellation. Temu will ask about the reasons why you are canceling this order. 
  • Please provide reasons such as receiving the wrong item, damaged item, and issue with delivery time. 
  • You can also add your personal comments regarding this order. Temu will notify you about further details. 

How To Cancel Temu Refund?

Now, if you want to cancel a refund from the Temu app, then there are some simple limitations to doing this job. There is no straightforward method that you can use to cancel a refund directly from the mobile app. You need to follow this guide to cancel this refund.

Check Refund Status

In the first phase, log into your Temu account and go to the My Order section. Here, you will see the status of the refund request that you have already placed. If it is still in process then you can think about canceling it.

Check Refund Status

You must check the status to see if the refunded amount has not yet been transferred to your account. This is necessary because you cannot cancel a refund if the amount has already been transferred.

Contact Temu Customer Support

Now, you can note down the order number as a reference from the My Orders Page. The next step is to contact the customer support team. You can contact them by sending an email, or you can also contact them using their live chat. 

Contact Temu Customer Support

The best way to send them an email regarding your refund cancellation request is with the order numbers and all other necessary details.

Get Confirmation

The Temu team will check out the complete details of your order and refund status. If the request for cancellation is placed in time, then they reverse it. They will send you the email account cancellation of the refund, and you can keep it for the record.

Get Confirmation

Check Order Status

After getting an email from Temu, you need to check the status of this order again. This order status should not show the “refund requested”. If it does not show this status, then your order refund has been successfully canceled.

Check Order Status

Things to Remember Before Making a Refund Canceling Request to Temu

Temu has a clear-cut policy. If you want to stick to the specific part of the refund cancellation policies then read this guide. There are some valuable suggestions that may help you.

Cut-Off Time

The users must cancel a refund in time. This cancellation process may look easy, but if you are late, then the store can not do anything for you. To cancel a refund, you can only delay it for not more than 48 hours.

Cut-Off Time

Contact Seller

If the product is not delivered or shipped and you request a refund cancellation, then it is not sufficient. The customers must also inform the seller regarding this case. They can contact the seller to initiate the shipping process again.

Contact Seller

Cancel After Item Return

If the users have received the item and returned it to the seller then it is too late. It is not wise to put in a request for a refund at this stage. You might lose your money, or the company will not oblige you at this stage.

Cancel After Item Return

Check Bank Statement

The users must check out their bank statements. You can also observe the credit card or debit card statement. It is important because you will have an idea whether your amount is already refunded or not. It is a decent way to verify the refund cancellation.

Check Bank Statement

Why are Refunds Canceled?

Temu shoppers, most of the time, place orders, change their minds for any reason, and process refunds. There are some reasons that may lead them to cancel the refund as well. We will discuss these reasons briefly in this section.

Why are Refunds Canceled?

  • This decision made by the users can be due to the wrong order placement, but when they read the description in detail or other benefits of the order, they may want to keep it. 
  • They might not want to waste the time to refund an order and wait for a long time.
  • The order they received could be defective, but after some time, they monitored it keenly and found out that there was nothing wrong with the order. So they wish to keep it or there might be some minor defect that they do not bother with anymore.
  • Customers ask their family and friends about making the decision. The friends can convince them to keep the same product or someone else in the friends may buy the product. 

Pros Of Temu Order Cancellation Policy

Temu continuously updates its cancellation policies and makes new changes to the application. It makes Temu more convenient for shoppers who can take advantage of the different products and policies. There are some advantages and drawbacks of the cancellation policy that he will discuss here.


  • There are is no cost or expenses to process the cancellation.
  • Different guidelines are clearly available on the Temu website. 
  • When cancellation is approved, the users will get a full refund. 
  • The timeline of the refund is very short and they give you your money back.


  • If the order is already shipped, then you cannot cancel it anymore. 
  • Personalized items cannot be canceled. 
  • The company may charge the shipping cost.


Temu has clear-cut policies for returning products and canceling orders. They can give you a full refund or can deduct shipping fees, depending on the case. Users need to request a refund through their online helpline and wait for some time. The team will review your request and information soon. There are some other factors that might affect the cancellation process. So you better need to review this blog.


A: Such types of orders can be canceled anytime by the end of customers. It may take five business days to get a refund.

A: They will not allow the cancellation of orders that have already been shipped. You can reject the package if it is damaged.

A: A refund is not guaranteed for the personalized items. They may observe your case and then notify you.

how to cancel temu refund
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how to cancel temu refund
To cancel a refund, you can contact Temu's customer care center and send them all the details of the order via email.
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